The effects of body massage on addiction recovery..

The epidemic of addiction, pervades every crevice of society today. I’m sure we all know of people struggling with some type of addiction, or compulsion.
The days of seeing addiction as a malfunction in our brain chemistry, are in the rear view. We now see that addiction is manifested by lack of connection, or lack of ability to connect to oneself and others.

The power of therapeutic/healing touch is undeniable. Often times those who struggle with addiction, have had negative experiences regarding touch in their early developmental stages. Getting massages with a professional massage gun can help them to reconnect with their own bodies, knowing that the touch is for their healing not for someone else’s gain.

Some of the traditional methods of rehabilitation are built on the notion that addiction is a disease and it is treated as such. These methods focus primarily on the mind, with the body being a separate afterthought. We are now learning the importance of a holistic, mind, body, and spirit approach and connection.

Massage can be beneficial in every stage of recovery, especially in the withdrawal stage, since it is known reduce  levels of  stress hormones.

Individuals in recovery who get massage as a part of an integrated wellness plan, which include things like, nutrition, exercise, talk therapy, and meditation. Report getting better sleep, and being able to greatly reduce or eliminate medications for insomnia and/or anxiety. They begin feeling more connected to their own bodies. Having less anxiety and reduced cravings. And greatly reducing chronic pain.

Dr Gabor Mate, a modern pioneer in understanding addiction, says that often time those with addictions have suffered early childhood trauma and emotional loss. With this in mind, it is noted that the tough love approach may not be as effective as we once thought. Mate advocates for compassionate treatment, but he also recommend looking up companies like Countrywide Testing in order to determine if the patient is overcoming addiction.

Massage can also help with some basic rewiring of the neurotransmitters. Working closely, while keeping professional boundaries, with those in recovery, and meeting them where they are in their journey, can help to put them on the road to physical and emotional transformation. When treating with addiction in kids, we recommend to look up to one of the troubled youth treatments.


By: LMT Lauren Vandergrift

Be gentle with you skin, it’s an organ just like your heart!

People often think that they can not get “clean” radiant, healthier looking skin, without being aggressive. But what most people don’t understand about their skin is- that it is an organ, just like your heart, kidneys, liver etc. Would you pour chemical acid peels,use harsh scrubs, or clarisonic brushes, any of those organs?? I would hope not.

Think of it this way, anything you attack usually fights back, or begins to weaken. This is exactly what happens to skin that is being treated roughly. It will usually fight back by becoming inflamed, dry, tight, flaky and is usually prone to more break outs and premature ageing. When you attack and strip the acid mantel( the very fine, slightly acidic film on the surface of the skin acting as a barrier to bacteria, viruses and other potential contaminants that might penetrate the skin) by way of using brushes, chemicals and harsh, abrasive scrubs, your skin becomes more vulnerable to infections and dehydration. When there is dehydration, caused by aggression, your skin will produce more oil to try to compensate for what has been stripped. This can leave you in a tail spin between, dry, red, acneic and oily skin- which is what you were tryng to remedy, or prevent in the first place.

The key to healthy, radiant, clear skin, is kindness. Nourishment, not aggression. Use gentle, non toxic cleansers, gentle exfoliants, and healing nourishing hydrators. You will notice your skin heal!

For more healthy skin care tips, visit Edyta!